Online Team Building Family Day

Online Team Building Family Day for a Remote Team

Working remotely has many advantages, but it also carries a lot of risks for the business. First, the productivity of employees at home is somewhat reduced for various objective and subjective reasons. Secondly, no matter how good e-mail, instant messengers and video calls are, they will not replace live communication. And thirdly, in the absence of constant real contact with colleagues, the cohesion of the team suffers. This factor is especially important during a pandemic period. As it negatively affects the team spirit and the effectiveness of employee interaction. Therefore, team buildings and trainings for remote teams are so important.

Family day is one of the most popular team building event formats for Saudi companies. Some companies have hosted this event in their offices. When employees can bring their children and show the workplace. The companies organized a special program of the day and entertainment for guests, as well as refreshments. Other companies have rented outdoor spaces. For example, hotels with beach access or desert tents. It allowed them to organize event full of sport and entertainment activities for adults and their kids.

Both of this event formats are possible even during pandemic with some restrictions. But as alternative you can move this event to online. How is it possible?

This concept involves many different activities. First, informal presentations of the families using live or recorded videos.

Secondly, exciting master classes for kids and their parents. It could be master class for absolutely any interest starting from cooking, painting to the magician class and origami. For each company we can find something unique and working perfectly as company team building.

Moreover, these classes can be both individual, affecting only dad, mom, or children. And group, where it is important to participate in the program with the whole family.

Thirdly, to unite the entire team, we are ready to develop an online game. It will involve parents and their kids in a fun way to compete with other families.

All this will cause especially warm feelings among employees and boost the spirit of unity.

Why is it better to host an online event with Fekra Events?

You can try to organize such online Family Day Team Building yourself, but only professionals can consider all the nuances of preparation. After all, in the Fekra Events you will find:

  • A well-thought-out scenario for the event, available step-by-step instructions for each participant – everything will go smoothly and without interruptions.
  • Invitation and online registration for participants.
  • Production and home delivery of inventory. All participants will receive everything they need.
  • Inviting presenters, trainers, and animators, filming video, recording audio, and editing photos for all activities. All of these will be beautiful and perfectly done by professionals.
  • Individual approach, considering the needs of your company.
  • Complete after event reports to increase business efficiency.

Our team is proud of the vast experience in holding corporate events and team buildings. We are ready for remote projects of any complexity. Contact us to create your unique Family Day Team Building event through email or our website.

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